It’s OK to not be OK…

You’ve been through a lot, I get it. But you owe it to yourself to see what you’re capable of, discover what’s limiting you, and push yourself towards the person you know is inside of you.

I was sitting in a bar, drinking shots of whiskey and watching the news.

I couldn’t figure out why I kept coming back here, why I was so unhappy with my life. I had it all on paper:

A great job as an airline captain, family, friends, a house,,nice car. People were telling me that they wanted my life, but internally all I could think was: “No, you dont”.

I’d built an impressive shell that was hollow inside. It was time for change and I knew it. The only question was, “How?”

I was doing what you’re probably doing:

pretending like everything was OK.

I lived in constant conflict:

Look at me, I’m doing great! Just don’t get too close, or poke at my shell… it might crumble right before your eyes.

It’s a tough game to play when you’re living to please the expectations of society and your peers.

Finally, I had enough of this game.

I was determined to figure out how to be internally happy. To be myself, doing things for me that aligned with my values and who I wanted to become as a person.

For the first time in my life I asked myself the biggest question:

Who am I, and what do I really want?

I did exactly what the world tells you NOT to do.

I blew up my island, figuratively speaking. It looked pretty crazy from the outside.

I didn’t care.

I wanted to plot my own course – one that fit with who I wanted to be and how I wanted to feel about myself. I wanted to be ME.

I hit some roadblocks, truth be told. This is where most people quit and turn back – when it gets hard. And I almost did just that.

But I pushed forward. And finally, the pieces started clicking into place. The system that I’d organically put together was starting to pay off in all areas of my life.

I stopped drinking alcohol, finished my degree in a year, climbed some of the tallest mountains on earth, traveled the world, found true hobbies and passions that fit who I am, made real friends, and got healthier than ever. For the first time ever, I was confident that I was making the right choices for myself. I was finally free!

The world wants you to be average. It’s up to YOU to change that.

I coach people who have had some success in life, yet major life circumstances have kept them from achieving their true potential and tired of feeling mediocre. People who feel unfulfilled inside, with a whole list of goals on permanent hold, just waiting to get their chance to shine!

They commit to my process and they see immediate results, and that gets them hungry to go all the way. They discover that life can actually feel pretty damn amazing when you show up for YOURSELF.

Make this your Rebuilding Year.

Do you want more out of life than the superficial bullshit most people desire? I’ll guide you through this incredible journey. My process gets real, powerful results. You’ll have to do the work… but I’ll be here supporting you every step of the way.

Seeing people like you truly living life – with genuine happiness – makes it all worth it for me.

I want this to happen for you, too!

The time is now to take control of your destiny.

You’ll be the happiest you’ve ever been. Healthier than ever. Focused on your goals. You’ll discover what’s important and filter out the noise. You’ll learn how to embrace fear. You’ll no longer be afraid to fail. You’ll have the tools to smoothly sail the seas of life and stay focused on the dreams you desire – and I’ll have your back the whole way. Your friends and family will start getting curious about what you’re up to… you’ll just smile and keep evolving. This is life in the captain’s chair.


Ready to cure that COVID hangover?

It’s 2023 and you never did get back to the gym.
You’re still eating and drinking like you’re in quarantine.
Your friendships + dating life haven’t quite recovered.

Click below to clear out the haze and take back control!